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C.h.a.r.l.i.z.e L.o.r.e.l.i G.r.a.h.a.m
Lipgloss Junky Perfection
There are dreams, and there are fantasies. But what lies beyond those in utopia is far from being found, even in your wildest dreams.

| Click the pic to enter, dork :D |
| I'm Julia. I bite, I promise! |
| IM Roleplay just rocks my world. |
| Charlize and I can rock yours. ;D |
| I'll be your slave if you join
CSU! |
| Remember. Description will get you anywhere. |

Note: Yes, this is all fictional, dreamed up by yours truly
Please don't steal. And behave yourselves . . to some e
xtent. Anyway, love you! Be sure to IM me if you have a
question, comment, suggestion, or if you want to play!
- - Julia - -

smeared lipgioss at AOL dot COM